
At Den Daas Terracotta

The earthenware factory was founded in 1897 on the Aalsmeerderdijk in Aalsmeerderbrug and manufactured flower pots, roof tiles and drainage pipes. At that time the clay was supplied by boat and the flower pots were transported over water to growers in Aalsmeer and the surrounding area.
The Den Daas family, founders of the company over a century ago, still have successors in the company today.

Meanwhile, the pottery is produced at various locations throughout Europe and we are specialized in pots. By having the large sizes made somewhere else than the small sizes, we have made, with potter’s experience, an excellent and extensive selection.
The product list can be downloaded, prices are provided on request. In addition to the products in the list, much more is possible.

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Contact met ons op

Aalsmeerderdijk 281
1436 BD Aalsmeerderbrug   |   The Netherlands
Open op maandag t/m donderdag van 7:30 tot 16:30 en vrijdag van 7:30 tot 12:00

Telefoon: 020 6533670  
E-mail: info@dendaas-terracotta.nl


In verband met de zomervakantie zijn wij


(Vanaf vrijdagmiddag 19 juli; maandag 5 augustus 2024 zijn we er weer.)